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Thematics Water Fund H- Classe R EUR Acc

Informazioni generali

Società di gestione: Natixis International Funds (Lux) I

Categoria Assogestioni del Fondo: AZIONARI ALTRE SPECIALIZZAZ.

Investimento minimo iniziale: 1.000,00€

ISIN: LU1951227419

Divisa: EUR

Valore quota alla data 23/12/2024: 120,02€

Riferimenti: Link al sito

Andamento Fondo



Commissioni Condizioni Standard Condizioni Online Sim
Sottoscrizione 4,00% 0,00%
Rimborso 0,00% 0,00%
Gestione 1,75% 1,75%
Distribuzione 0,00% 0,00%
Performance 0,00% 0,00%

Spese Banca Corrispondente

Spese Banca Corrispondente Importo Min Max
Sottoscrizione 0,15% 12,50€ 17,50€
Rimborso 0,15% 12,50€ 17,50€
Conversione 0,10% n/a n/a

Politica di investimento

The Fund invests primarily in equity securities of companies around the world that have been identified by the Investment Manager as being participants in or having an exposure to potential growth relating to the investment theme of global water provision and/or municipal waste treatment. The Fund invests at least two-thirds of its total assets in equity securities worldwide. The Fund’s equity investments may include common stocks, preferred stocks and, on an ancillary basis, closed-ended real estate investment trusts (“REITS”) and equity-related instruments such as warrants, equity-linked notes and convertible bonds whose value is derived from the value of any of those equity securities, and depositary receipts for any of those equity investments.

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